Our Little Buddy-much loved and still missed.

Our Little Buddy-much loved and still missed.
"RESCUED" is my favorite breed oh, and Dachshunds!

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

It's DONE!

Whoop! Whoop! It's DONE!!

The suitcase has been transformed from a "dumpster dive find" into a "diva doggie bed."   It took me forever to get it together but here is what I did.  First I removed the suitcase from Crafty Neighbor Barb's trash pile after the hubby spotted it this winter.  (Good eyes hon)  Then I let it sit for months trying to decide what exactly to do to it.   I moved it from the front porch to the craft room several times.  At last I made up my mind and finally found the right material (dog bones and little dogs on the yellow print) then had a minor heart attack when I paid for the material.  Since when is thin cotton material worth 9 dollars a yard?   Don't get me started on that...deep breath and ahhhh letting that go.  Anyway, then I ripped out all the liners and kept them for patterns.   Then I cut some thin boards to make the top and bottom covers for the inside.  I glued batting to them first to give the inside a little soft padding.  Then I embroidered the "good dog" pocket and made the dog bone pocket and sewed them to the top material.  I stretched it over the batting and glued it in place.

 I added some trim to the inside lid to dress it up.

I bought some really heavy stabilizer and used it to line the bottom inside edges with the yellow material.   I made the cover for the hinges and glued it in place.
Then I placed the bottom liner in after I put some quilting stitches on it to give it a tufted look.   Oh yes, I made some feet for it too.  The feet are made from painted blocks of wood with heavy felt scratch protectors on them.   You can't see them in the photo.  Here it is with the little bed inside it.  Gee didn't mean to get the toes in the shot but there they are!  Nice polish color, it's OPI by the way.
  You have to get a really good glue that works on any surface.  I had plenty of time to let stuff dry because about the time one thing was glued down and in place the tornado sirens went off and I ran down to the basement for a while.   When I came back up, the glue was dry enough to move to the next piece.  The order I put mine together was;

Glue the top portion to the top of the suitcase let dry
Screw the feet on the bottom
Place the hinge cover in place-the bottom side lining covers the bottom where it attaches and the top edge is covered with the trim.
Line the bottom sides let dry
Put the trim on the top while the sides dry
Put the bottom in and let dry, I put heavy books on the bottom and top while they set up.

               Then I just had to step back and watch the little dogs dive right in!

Since we have mini dachshunds, I kept the feet low so they just had to hop in.  The suitcase is vintage and it has all the vintage wear and tear on the outside.  I think it adds to the look.  I am going to make a tag for the outside today.  That should finish it off!

Happy Crafting!

Monday, March 12, 2012

Fooling Around

I finally got time to make a few cards this weekend.  The craft room is officially the "crap" room again and I can't find my little scissors now but what the heck.  The first card I did was an Easter Card.  I saw a challenge on Split Coast Stampers and loved the look of them.  I made a SVG (get it here) to share. 

To assemble: cut the eggs and slider out, you will have to break the pattern apart to cut the slider portion in a different color.  The large egg portion with the slits in it is the bottom back half.  The slider "legs" fit into the slots on the back of the card.  The slider insert should be on top of the bottom part.   The plain bottom half (top) is glued to the bottom half around the edges only so the slider can go up and down.  You will need to position the slider in the up position and put the top half of the egg where you want it in order to see where you can stamp the slider.  You want to see just where the message will show and how much room you have for a stamp.  Be sure to stamp or decorate the slider before you glue the top pieces on.  Also shut the card to make sure it lines up properly before you glue on the top parts.  Don't ask me how I found that out.  Let's just say my trash can has a partially finished card in it.  I cut strips to put across the bottom of the egg for the colored stripes, and trimmed them to fit.  I added ribbon etc to finish the card.   

This is a swing card that I did.  I saw these on some blog and loved them.

 I found a video on you tube.  You can see the video here.  It was posted by DreamingaboutRS.  I love her tutorial, it's precise and clear.  I really like these cards, they look so neat when they are finished.

The last card is a peek a boo.  I was lurking on some board (can't remember which one) and found this tutorial on you tube.  This card is really easy and fun!  I am working on the St. Patricks Day cards now and this worked out nicely. 

It's foggy here this morning.  It seems like someone put vellum over the windows.   I hope this week goes fast, I am looking forward to playing in the craft room again.  Well after I clean it up, and find my scissors.   I am working on a suitcase dog bed out of that suitcase I found across the street, by the neighbors trash.  Wish me luck.  It's going to be a challenge.   I can hear the moaning now from my kids.  GEEZE MOM, you are such a dumpster diver.  Well let's just see who creates something cool.  Oh yeah, pictures will be posted kids. 

Happy Crafting!!

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Doggie Shenanigans

Why is it that no matter how well intended we are, some days things just don't get done?  I had intended to make a few cards and birdhouses this afternoon and all of a sudden it's almost supper time.  I have been cleaning, cooking and putting out some spring decorations.   Things just keep sidetracking me.   I was running a scan on the computer and looked next to my chair and found this.
The darn dogs were playing on the computer and looking at another dog's Facebook page.  Lexie has her little paw right on the computer!  Ah ha!  Doggie shenanigans  caught on camera!  They are looking so innocent, but don't be fooled.   We found out that Lexie's granddaughter has a facebook page so she just wants to keep looking at it.  There are so many cute pictures of her new found family.   The entire morning was shot because I volunteered at the free health clinic this morning.  I dusted off the old stethoscope and spent some quality time with some old nurse friends who volunteer there also.  We always have a good time.   Much to my dismay though,  the housecleaning fairy didn't show up while I was out.   If I don't clean today, it won't get done.   Weekends always seem to fly by if you have to spend it doing responsible things like cleaning, paying bills etc.   I guess I will have to play in the craft room tomorrow, all by myself.  Crafty Neighbor Barb is off scrapbooking in some far away place, with all her new friends.   Jealous?  Who me?  Ummm, OK yes I am.  Guess I will just have to make the best of it lurking on the crafting boards.  Well, after I put the computer up high on the table so the dogs won't get on it again.  Darn dogs,  I had to keep checking in between dusting, moping etc. to make sure Pintrest was still operation correctly.  THEN I had to check to see if Split Coast was up and running.  You never know what those dogs will mess up when they get on the computer.  They are as bad as little kids.  Pushing buttons willy nilly.  Wow....better get back to the laundry or I never will get into the craft room.   It is taking me so long because I  had to look at the computer, to make sure it works ok.  I had to check it several times every hour.....That's my story and I am sticking to it.

Happy Crafting!!

Monday, February 27, 2012


I finally did it.  I went to SVG Cuts and bought the birdhouse patterns.  I made the first one and I think it came out pretty well.

For some reason I have always been fascinated by these patterns.  I think I will have some fun with these.  This is a taller box and will hold a lot of candy.   I was downloading the picture of the bird house and just had a random thought run through my head.  Am I the only one who does not safely eject their camera from the computer?  I was going to do it, but my wireless mouse is in the craft room and I am in the recliner.  I tried to get it to work but after 3 tries I just yanked the cord out.  Nothing has ever really happened.  Crafty Neighbor Barb and I had this very conversation once.  I don't know that we really come to any conclusions.  I wonder what really can happen?

The camera never stops working, new pictures get uploaded just fine.  Why it kind of feels like I am running with scissors when I unsafely eject the camera.  I always wanted a sweatshirt that says "runs with scissors."  Growing up if you didn't walk with them pointed down at my house it was certain death.  Like when Mom saw you and yelled W-A-L-K with those!!  Walking fast with the pointed end up?  No one ever wanted to get caught doing that.  As an adult, it was fun to hold those suckers pointed end up and run, just for fun, if one was feeling especially brave run by the door of the room Mom was in.     Maybe I will switch to "unsafely ejects camera's." sweatshirt.  I could tell the kids, "Hey watch this!"  "I am UN-SAFELY ejecting my camera."  There might be a sudden intake of breath from them as I yanked out the cord, and not by the plug either.  Yep, by the middle of the cord, tempting fate even more by the possibility of leaving the plug part stuck it the laptop when the cord broke.  (remember hearing that one?) 

Well since the curiosity is killing me I will call my son the computer guy and ask what might happen for real.  If you like the birdhouse as much as me, it is worth the tiny investment for all the fun.  I will post the other pictures of what I am making with the patterns as I get them done.  Until then......I will be yanking the cords out smiling.  Unsafely of course.

Happy Crafting!!

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Pot of Gold Box

Ok, here is the second attempt at the "Pot of Gold Box!"  I had another one on here and didn't like it, so POOF! Away it went.  Here is a pic of the box I do like.
Now who would not want a cute little box like this with some candy or something else in it?   Money?  I think some hundred dollar bills would be nice in there.  The finished size is appx. 3 x 3 1/2.  I used some flower soft(you know the stuff that seems to sit in the drawer forever unused) on the piece at the bottom and glued some shamrocks to it.  The handle is only attached at the top so it looks like it is hanging off the pot.  Here is a quickie tutorial.
Get the free SVG here.
I also have one in SCUT2

When you cut the files, I broke them apart and cut the smaller circles (one fits on top of another) in two different colors,  gold and glitter gold.  Then I glued it on the pattern before I put it together. 
Next flip the box over so you are working on what will be the inside of the box and fold on the lines shown.
I used red sticky tape to put on all 4 tabs.  It is much more secure if you use this kind of tape.
Fold the sides up and secure them.  You might want to do some trial fittings before you stick them down,  Once they are stuck...well you know.  The  long pointed part needs to be folded to elongate the part that will go into the slit.  The folds also help keep it shut.
Shut the box and take the handle part and attach it only at the top with some glue.  I cut a wavy circle out and marked where I wanted the box to sit and then put flower soft around that area.  I cut some small shamrocks out and put them in the flowersoft.  I bet it's been a year or more since I used that darn stuff.  It's one of those things you just "have" to have and then don't use. 
Here is a side view of it finished. 

You don't have to put it on a base, it stands fine by itself.  I just like that look.  Hope you have some fun making these.  They don't take long to whip up.  Now to see if anyone will put some hundreds in my little box.  I think I will leave the lid open slightly and have a little sign that says "insert hundred dollar bills here."   Ok, I really need to snap out of it.....my family would stick something in there that says, "dream on" and then say they thought it was a tiny little suggestion box. 

Happy Crafting!

Saturday, February 18, 2012


Ok, I found out something interesting today.  Did you know people collect old cloth diapers?  Diapers??  I have a friend who put some on eBay so I checked it out after she told me about it. There was a listing for "mint" condition curity diapers that brought over hundred dollars!  Really??  I checked it out further and found a unopened plastic pack of size 3/4 Pampers circa 1984 that sold for $182.00.  WHAT???  What on earth are people doing with old pampers?  What do they do with cloth diapers?  OMG!! I just remembered that I HAVE some old cloth one's from the 1970's!   I kinda got the shakes when I remembered that.   Blankets were flying out of the closet and on to the floor, my arms were whirring like a windmill.  I know they are in the closet somewhere.  Eureka!  There they are!  Some even still have the curity stamp on them.  They are kinda yellow so I will see if I can make them white before I list them.  I kept them for dust rags originally,  but man am I glad I didn't use them for that now. 

Next, I am looking for the opened but never used sample of an original vintage pull up circa early 80's.  That surely is like a salesman's sample from the past.  Yeah, it might really be worth something.   I kept them in case a kid that size came to the house and needed them.  Gee, maybe I should keep that for the Antiques Road Show.  What to do, what to do.  Nah....gotta sell it.    Pampers could become like gold coins.   You could barter with them.  I'll trade you this cool 88 pamper for that really nice paper pack from Hobby Lobby.   Maybe I should buy a couple of cases of pampers and store them.  When I die it could be the kid's windfall.  How about that kids?  Mom died and left you some pampers!  Oh yes, go ahead and laugh.  That lady on eBay is laughing all the way to the bank.  She probably works for a TV cable channel and helps with that hoarders show.   Yep, she probably pulled them out of a house somewhere.   Ok, guess I better get back to work on the cute little candy box I am making for St. Patty's day.  I will post it when I get done.   It's a pot of gold.  Keep your eyes open for nice old diapers.  You could be making some bank on eBay! 

Hope crafty neighbor Barb is having fun at her big scrapping weekend.  Better be getting some good ideas together for us. 

Happy Crafting everyone!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentines Day!

Gee the sun is shining brightly after a cloudy, windy and cold day yesterday.   The last several days have been windy, cold with off and on snow.  The temps came up above freezing yesterday so most of the fine snow is gone now except for the small drifts.  I made a "special" Hershey bar wrapper for my Husband's Valentines gift and then did some more for a few friends.  Hey Crafty Neighbor Barb!  We are so selling some of these next year.  Everyone who has seen these likes them.  Here is the one I gave my hubby.

Here is the inside when you pull up the slider.
Ok now snoopy kids just pretend you didn't see this.  You know how I am so just chalk it up to who is doing this.  He thought it was pretty funny!  Well, actually I did too. True statement don't you think?  I saw a picture of a telephone card and decided to make an SVG of one so I could make my own. 

You can get the SVG here.   I made the phone cord by wrapping some small gauge floral wire around a stick and then attached it to the phone.  The SVG comes in several pieces.  The base is one, the little feet at the bottom is another.  The dial is one and the handset is the other one.  It's pretty simple and basic but has potential if you like to customize things.

The craft room is now officially the "crap" room and today is the day to restore order.  I can't see the top of the tables, paper scraps are all over the floor, and even the trash can is overflowing.  The old cat came in last night and had fun throwing paper pieces up in the air and pouncing on them.  Tisk, tisk. When the scissors are MIA so I know it's time to get serious.   Funny how that happens so fast.  My coffee pot is almost empty so it's time to get moving.  Hey BARB!  Start dreaming up some Easter Hersey Bar sliders.  We need to get busy on them.  Well maybe some St. Patty's  Day too. 

Happy Crafting Everyone!